To send a Fax please follow these instructions:
- Login with your credentials (If you don't know your credentials please send us a email to
- URL:
- username: provided by LinkedIP
- Password: provided by LinkedIP
- Go to 'Status/Faxes'
- Then click on 'Send FAX' in the right upper corner of the faxes grid.
Note the following window will open:
- Fill the following fields:
- Number: this is the number of destination.
- Schedule delivery: leave it as "As soon as possible" if you want to send it immediately. If you want to schedule it instead, then click on the field and a calendar will show to choose date and time of delivery.
- Caller ID: As you may have different numbers enabled for your system, make sure that the caller id is your assigned fax number. You can search it in the down arrow display menu or insert it manually by clicking the "Edit" button.
- File in PDF or TIFF format: attach your file by dragging and dropping it into the field or by clicking the "Browse" button.
- Email status to: if you want to be notified by email about the status of a fax sent, put your email here. This is optional.
- Finally, click on 'Send'
Note: if you want to view your Fax History, please go back to 'Status/Faxes'. When you see "SUCCESS" in the "Status" column, it is because the fax was sent successfully.
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