This article describes the procedure to create an automatic dialer campaign that plays back an audio file once the call is answered. This is also well know as a broadcast campaign as no agents are involved.
Consider the following elements to be present at the moment of creating your campaign:
- A Contact List containing the numbers that will be dialed. If you import numbers to a list consider numbers should be normalized with no spaces, dashes, parenthesis or underscores.
- An IVR. The actual IVR that will be used to connect once the call is answered.
- A sound to be playback. The sound or media to be played back.
- A Motion Bull IVR campaign that is configured with your Contact List and your IVR.
Contact List
As any dialer campaign a contact list is mandatory. The dialer will call using the field phone in the list. Go to Contact Manager > Lists and add a new contact list and add numbers if you don't have a previous list. It's important that the phone number in that field contains only numbers.
Playback sound
Go to Tools > Sounds and import the sound file you want to be played back once call are answered.
Please create an IVR that contains a Playback block. In essence it should look like this:
Double click on the Playback block and select the desired audio:
Then Save and Publish your IVR.
Motion Bull IVR Campaign
Now go to to Motion Bull > IVR campaigns and add a new campaign. Give it a name and then specify:
- A Trunk. If you are LinkedIP's managed customer your will your trunk as LinkedIP_Outbound
- An Interval. You don't want to call anyone at 3 AM in the morning an violate current FCC or regulatory or governing law. Make sure you select an appropriate interval such as one between 9 AM and 6 PM.
- Check for duplicate as Always. You don't want to call the same contact twice.
- A Cally Square project. Select the IVR you just created.
- Max Concurrent Calls. Specify how many calls you want to do simultaneously. Consult with LinkedIP support team or your current service provider what are the maximum simultaneous calls allowed on your current trunk.
You should see something like this:
Then Add IVR Campaign.
Adding Contact Lists and other adjustments
1. Now edit your campaign and fine tune it according to your needs. The first need to do is to add your Contact List. Click on the List icon ("") and add one or more lists:
Then click on SAVE.
2. In most countries and as per regulatory practices you are to include a Do Not Call List. To do so click on the Blacklist icon ("") and select your do not call lists. Then click on SAVE.
3. Fine tune your campaign by adjusting:
- Campaign Settings:
- Specify a Caller ID Name and a Caller ID Number
- Specify an Originate Timeout. This is for how long you want to ring a number in the contact list. Consider most carrier's voicemail start after 30 seconds.
- Retry Settings:
- Specify your global retries and what to do under specific circumstances such as if there is congestion, the number is busy, nobody answers or if there is a answer machine.
- Advanced Settings:
- Order By: specify if you want to run the list on an ascending or descending way. By default the list is called on an ascending way.
- Global Interval: It's always a good idea to specify a master interval as a safe lock. This global interval overrides current campaign's interval.
- Timezone: Adjust the campaign's timezone according to the geographic area's timezone you are calling to.
Click on SAVE at the top right of the screen and your settings will be updated.
If you want to check the status of your campaign go through this article: https://support.linkedip.com/hc/en-us/articles/16850413617421-How-to-check-my-XCALLY-Motion-Bull-Dialer-campaign-status-
To create auto dialing campaigns with just audio and no agent intervention is easy with Motion Bull IVR Campaigns. If you need additional help please contact support at support@linkedip.com.
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