This article explains how is possible to upload contacts to a XCALLY contact list using the web interface.
In order for a proper upload to work it's necessary to consider these elements:
- A contact list
- A comma separated value (CSV) file with contacts
1. Go to Contacts section and click on icon. You will see several options:
2. Then click on Import Contacts icon and select the .CSV file (maximum size= 60MB) from your local file system.
(This is an example of a CSV file format: contacts.csv )
3. Map your fields. XCALLY will propose the file columns names so you can map your file field names to your Contact Manager's contact fields. Contacts must always be associated to a List:
At the end click Upload.
4. Check for duplicates if desired. Using the Check Duplicates field, you can select one or more contact fields that will be used to check if the contact has been already loaded from the CVS file or is already present in the list and if this is the case, duplicate entries will be discarded:
5. Click on Upload. During the Upload, if you need you can stop the process:
6. Review the summary of the importing process. At the end you have a summary of the upload process:
If needed you can export the errors (load failure or duplicate entries) in an excel file.
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